Tiger Woods 'Goes To Comic-Con Dressed As Batman'

Sam Woods, Tiger's teenage daughter, revealed the 15-time Major winner is a huge comic book fan

Tiger Woods has been outed by his daughter as a comic book fan who dresses up as Batman
(Image credit: Getty Images)

Tiger Woods’ daughter has revealed her father attends Comic-Con events dressed as Batman. During her speech at the induction of Tiger into the World Golf Hall of Fame, 14-year-old Sam Woods revealed the 15-time Major champion is a comic book fan who still dresses up as the superhero. Of course, in full Batman garb, Woods - one of the most famous and recognisable faces in the world - would be able to mingle freely with the other comic book fans.

“How can a guy who still FaceTimes his friends to discuss Marvel and DC timelines and who goes to Comic-Con dressed as Batman be one of the greatest golfers that ever lived?” asked Sam during a speech that had those present in tears of laughter and sadness in equal measure as she discussed Tiger’s trials and tribulations.

The teenager, resplendent in Tiger red, revealed her father has been training harder than ever to come back from his serious car crash last year, and the fact he was able to stand on his own two feet to be inducted into the Hall of Fame was an achievement in itself.

Marvel and DC comics have dominated the cinema box office in recent years, featuring the likes of Spider-Man, Superman, Batman and Hulk. Four of the top 10 grossing films of all time come from the comic book universe, with The Avengers (9th, $1.5bn), Spider-Man: No Way Home (7th, $1.9bn), Avengers: Infinity War (6th, $2bn) and Avengers:Endgame (2nd, $2.8bn) all among the biggest movies ever.

Jeff Kimber
Freelance Staff Writer

Jeff graduated from Leeds University in Business Studies and Media in 1996 and did a post grad in journalism at Sheffield College in 1997. His first jobs were on Slam Dunk (basketball) and Football Monthly magazines, and he's worked for the Sunday Times, Press Association and ESPN. He has faced golfing greats Sam Torrance and Sergio Garcia, but on the poker felt rather than the golf course. Jeff's favourite course played is Sandy Lane in Barbados, which went far better than when he played Matfen Hall in Northumberland, where he crashed the buggy on the way to the 1st tee!