St Andrews Golf Stunt Condemned As 'Irresponsible And Reckless'

The St Andrews Links Trust has released a statement condemning a shot from the street to the 18th green at the Old Course

A player takes a shot from a St Andrews street
The controversial stunt has been condemned by St Andrews Links Trust
(Image credit: Instagram @wyatt.messmer)

St Andrews Links Trust has condemned a golfer who took a shot from outside the town’s Dunvegan Hotel and onto the 18th green at the Old Course.

Wyatt Messmer posted the footage, which shows him play his iron shot from the footpath in the street. The ball then clears a row of houses before the camera follows the player as he makes his way to the course, where he finds the ball on the green.

The footage was widely shared on social media, where it was met with a mixed reaction, with some commenting on the accuracy of the shot, but others criticizing the action.

A post shared by @wyatt.messmer

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Now, The Trust has released a statement on the footage, which reads: “This is an irresponsible and reckless act which shows disregard for the safety of both public and property. This kind of behaviour is not welcome at the Home of Golf and we would discourage anyone from repeating it.”

Another to condemn the stunt was Conservative councillor Robin Lawson. Per The Courier, he said: “These stunts seem like a bit of fun but the consequences can be awful. Lots could go wrong and even if you hit a perfect shot there’s still the chance of hitting someone on the green. It’s certainly not something I condone and it’s best to keep golf to the golf course.”

It's not the first time it has been attempted. Ernie Els supposedly hit a shot from the same location one day in the early hours after some drinks in the hotel, while in 2022, Australian pro Harrison Crowe was videoed taking on the stunt for filmmaker Erik Anders Lang of Random Golf Club.

As for the latest golfer to try the stunt, his Instagram bio currently reads: “Banned from St Andrews because I hit a controversial golf shot.”

Mike Hall
News Writer

Mike has over 25 years of experience in journalism, including writing on a range of sports throughout that time, such as golf, football and cricket. Now a freelance staff writer for Golf Monthly, he is dedicated to covering the game's most newsworthy stories. 

He has written hundreds of articles on the game, from features offering insights into how members of the public can play some of the world's most revered courses, to breaking news stories affecting everything from the PGA Tour and LIV Golf to developmental Tours and the amateur game. 

Mike grew up in East Yorkshire and began his career in journalism in 1997. He then moved to London in 2003 as his career flourished, and nowadays resides in New Brunswick, Canada, where he and his wife raise their young family less than a mile from his local course. 

Kevin Cook’s acclaimed 2007 biography, Tommy’s Honour, about golf’s founding father and son, remains one of his all-time favourite sports books.