Donald Trump loses wind farm case

Donald Trump
(Image credit: Getty Images)

Donald Trump has been rejected by UK Supreme Court, losing planned offshore wind farm legal challenge. By Kylie Winkler

Donald Trump loses wind farm case

Donald Trump has lost a legal challenge to a planned offshore wind farm off the Aberdeen coast, near his Scottish golf course.

A unanimous decision by the UK Supreme Court rejected Trump’s plans for golfing development.

Rather than the multi-million pound golf accommodation, the Scottish government approved plans for renewable energy development on the Menie estate, just north of Aberdeen.

Trump challenged the planning permission for the wind farm in Scottish courts before making his way to London to continue the fight at the UK Supreme Court.

Donald Trump

The Trump Organisation stated it was an "extremely unfortunate" ruling and that it would "continue to fight" the wind farm proposal.

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Former Scottish first minister, Alex Salmond, said that Trump was a “loser” who had failed to live up to investment plans and damaged renewable energy development.

The Trump Organisation fired back questioning whether or not anyone cared what Salmond thought, “he’s a has-been and totally irrelevant.”

The presidential hopeful said the project was unfairly approved by the government and claimed the turbines would ruin the view.

In June, an Edinburgh appeal court had dismissed Trump’s effort to block development. It claimed his lawyers had not proved their suspicions about the approvals process.

The Trumph Organisation said: “This is an extremely unfortunate verdict for the residents of Aberdeen and anyone who cares about Scotland's economic future.

"The EOWDC (European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre) will completely destroy the bucolic Aberdeen Bay and cast a terrible shadow upon the future of tourism for the area.

"History will judge those involved unfavourably and the outcome demonstrates the foolish, small-minded and parochial mentality which dominates the current Scottish government's dangerous experiment with wind energy.

However, Andy Paine, project director for Aberdeen Offshore Wind Farm Ltd, rebuttled by assuring “this is another significant step forward for the EOWDC.”

Trump’s Aberdeenshire course has sparked controversy in Scotland amongst local residents. They've accused him of bullying behaviour as well as blocking the views from their houses.

Even the greens and fairways construction are under environmentalist speculation.

Executive vice-president of the Trump Organisation, George Sorial, vows to continue to fight the wind farm on “every possible front.”

Will Medlock graduated from UEA with a degree in Film and Television before completing a Masters in Sports Journalism at St Mary's in London. Will has had work published by The Independent and the Rugby Paper.