Who Is Matt Kuchar's Caddie?

Meet Brian Reed, Matt Kuchar's caddie since 2020 here.

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Meet Brian Reed, Matt Kuchar's caddie since 2020 here.

Who Is Matt Kuchar's Caddie?

We take a look at who carries the bag for the multiple-time PGA Tour winner.

Who Is Matt Kuchar's Caddie?

Matt Kuchar's current caddie, Brian Reed, has been with the American since August 2020.

Kuchar and Reed have been working together on-and-off for several years now, with Reed becoming a permanent caddie for Kuchar at the start of the 2020-21 PGA Tour season.

Kuchar's previous caddie, John Wood, had been caddying for him since 2015, with the pair splitting at the BMW Championship, Kuchar's last event of the 2019-20 PGA Tour season.

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The American has had a history with caddies, at the Mayakoba Golf Classic back in 2018. Kuchar had a local caddie on the bag, with the pair having disagreements on the pay the caddie should receive.

Before the event Kuchar agreed with David 'El Tucan' Ortiz that he would pay him $5,000. Caddies usually receive 10% of the winners check and given Kuchar won $1.296 million, many were calling for him to pay more. Eventually Kuchar paid $50,000 as well as an undisclosed donation to “philanthropic causes” in the area.

Many criticised Kuchar for this, but ex-caddie, Wood, came out in defence of his former boss tweeting; “Matt, his entire family and team have never been anything but generous, inclusive, respectful, and complimentary of me and the job I do for him. I wouldn’t work for someone I didn’t respect, or who didn’t value my opinion. To crucify for one mistake feels wrong.”

Reed has caddied for many tour professionals in the past, including Kyle Stanley, Martin Laird, Brian Davis, Troy Merritt, Chez Reavie and Kevin Stadler. Reed's most memorable victories whilst on the bag, include the Johnnie Walker Classic with Stadler and the Kodak Challenge with Merritt.

The American is from St. Petersburg, Florida and actually played collegiate golf for Florida State before becoming a caddie in 2000. Reed states that his favourite sport team is the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and that his favourite course to caddie at is Hilton Head in South Carolina.

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