Llandrindod Wells Golf Club Course Review

Set in the most glorious hillside location, the course at Llandrindod Wells Golf Club should be on every golfer’s radar

Llandrindod Wells Golf Club - Hole 18
The closing hole is a thrilling and very pretty, shall-I-go-for-it, short par 4
(Image credit: Rob Smith)

Llandrindod Wells Golf Club Course Review
Round: £35wd, £40we: Day: £40wd, £45we
Par 69, 5,762 yards
GM Verdict Quite simply one of the most scenic and wow-factor-y courses in the UK&I
Favourite Hole The sweeping par-5 3rd played to a green tucked into the slope with beautiful, rolling hills beyond

Although golf was played in the town from 1890, today’s course at Llandrindod Wells was designed by Harry Vardon and opened for play in 1907. He had been given the brief to ‘maximise the views from every tee and from every green’, and this he achieved in great style. Later changes were made by James Braid, the result being a fascinating course with some very interesting holes and panoramic views as magnificent as at just about any inland course in the UK.

Llandrindod Wells - Hole 3

The approach to the right-to-left par-5 third with the mountains beyond

(Image credit: Rob Smith)

Although the course is hilly in parts, the toughest climb comes at the opening hole, a short par 4 straight up the slope. The 2nd is a short hole across a dip to a plateau green, and the 3rd is a fabulous, sweeping par 5 that has the look and feel of Gleneagles about it.

Llandrindod Wells - Hole 3 - Green

Looking back from beyond the third green

(Image credit: Llandrindod Wells Golf Club)

Leaving the 3rd, you head uphill again, but this time it’s via a par 3, Larks Rise. This is followed by an extremely long and tough par 4, SI1 for very good reason.

Llandrindod Wells - Hole 9

The green on the par-4 ninth, Bunny Run, 397 yards and SI3 with the beautiful rolling hills beyond

(Image credit: Rob Smith)

The 6th is the shortest hole on the course, and it is followed by mid-range par 4s that run parallel to one another. The front nine finishes with another testing par 4, this one with OOB running its entire length on the left.

Llandrindod Wells - Hole 12

The drop to the twelfth green with the beautiful rolling hills as a glorious backdrop

(Image credit: Rob Smith)

The back nine has an unusual configuration beginning with back-to-back par 3s followed by two par 4s, and then a final twosome, this time par 5s. Each twin is completely different from its sibling, with the short holes offering the greatest contrast.

Llandrindod Wells - Hole 15

The approach to the final par 5, the fifteenth, Way Home

(Image credit: Rob Smith)

The long holes at the 14th and 15th run in completely opposite directions from one another and so will always pose quite different questions. No matter how you answer them, you cannot help but be impressed by the stunning surroundings.

Llandrindod Wells - Hole 16

Golfers on the sixteenth green with the clubhouse in the distance

(Image credit: Llandrindod Wells Golf Club)

A thrilling drive at sixteen is followed by another tricky short hole before you reach the appropriately named ‘Death or Glory’. Played from an elevated tee, the home hole is another potentially driveable par 4, though if the wind is coming towards you from the north, you will need a favourable bounce or three.

The endlessly interesting course at Llandrindod Wells is quite simply one of the most enjoyable you will find anywhere. Even without the views, its charming and challenging course would be more than worth a visit. With them, it is a spellbinder and another hidden gem that deserves to be far better known and more than rewards any effort to get there.

Rob Smith
Contributing Editor

Rob has been playing golf for over 45 years and been a contributing editor for Golf Monthly since 2012. He specialises in course reviews and travel, and has played approaching 1,250 courses in almost 50 countries. In 2021, he played all 21 courses in East Lothian in 13 days. Last year, his tally was 78, exactly half of them for the first time. One of Rob's primary roles is helping to prepare the Top 100 Courses of the UK&I, of which he has played all, as well as the Next 100 where he is missing two in Scotland and two in Ireland. He has been a member of Tandridge for over 30 years where his handicap hovers around 15. You can contact him at r.smith896@btinternet.com.