Best Indoor Putting Green 2025

Looking to improve your putting from the comfort of your own home? We've got you covered with the best indoor putting greens

Best Indoor Putting Green
(Image credit: Golf Monthly)

You've probably heard the saying 'drive for show, putt for dough'. It essentially means that putting is the most important part of the game of golf. We use our putter more than any club in our bag and, barring disaster, should be using it on every hole we play. This means that if you're a poor putter, your game is likely to suffer as a result. There's not much point hitting every green if you can't get the ball in the hole for that elusive birdie or eagle.

Obviously, when it comes to putting, there are plenty of ways to improve, such as purchasing one of the best putting aids. Another way is through an indoor putting mat, a device that can take up hours of your day (in a good way) as you chase greater confidence and feel with the flatstick. The beauty of indoor putting mats is in the name, they can be used indoor. Simply take them out of their storage compartment, fire them on your floor and you should be ready to go.

Like the best putting mats, they are designed to help hone your stroke, with an indoor putting green being a great option that won't break the bank. With the quality of these products really increasing in recent years, we've been lucky enough to have tried, tested and reviewed most of the leading mats on the market.

This guide will go through each, pointing out both the strengths and weaknesses of each to help you choose the right one that fits both your game, your needs and your home setup. Along with the best putting greens, why not also check out the best golf training aids, best golf nets and best golf simulators, additions which, again, will help complete your home practice set up.

The Quick List

Best Indoor Putting Green

Best Overall

Perfect practice perfect putting mat

(Image credit: Golf Monthly)


Length (ft): 9.6
Stimpmeter: 10-14
Number of Holes: 2
Alignment Aids: Yes - train track lines for aiding stroke

Reasons to buy

Lots of lines and checkpoints to hone your putting stroke
Quality materials throughout
Raised holes make you hit putts with better pace

Reasons to avoid

Need a lot of floor space to use

Endorsed by former World No.1 Dustin Johnson, the Perfect Practice Perfect Putting Mat is our favorite putting mat in 2025. The end of the mat is raised, with golf balls returning to the feet of the player whether they miss the hole or not thanks to the wooden ramp attached to the side of the mat.

You get a lot for your money and, not only is it one of the best putting mats money can buy, but also the one of the best golf training aids. You may ask, how? Well, it's down to the fact that it can be used on both a tiled (kitchen) floor and carpeted floor. However, I must add that you must be careful with the way you store this item and take care when unrolling it.

I found the alignment aids on the mat super helpful as I worked on the 'straight back, straight through' putting stroke with the help of the white lines. This is important as it helps the consistency on the greens and even help find the best putter for your stroke.

Best for any surface

PrimePutt Golf Putting Mat Review

(Image credit: Future)


Length (ft): 1.5' x 9', 3' x 9', 3' x 12' & 3' x15'
Stimpmeter : 9 - 11
Number of Holes : 3
Alignment Aids : Two dots 3ft out from each hole

Reasons to buy

Available in various sizes
Built to be as realistic as Tour conditions

Reasons to avoid

A little on the pricy side

If you live somewhere prone to wet weather, you'll understand the importance of a quality putting mat and taking the PrimePutt out of the box, I knew I was about to test a quality product.

This mat feels like you're putting on a PGA Tour green, with speeds anywhere between 9 and 11 on the stimp. In testing, I found it to feel very realistic and therefore ideal for using some of the best putting aids on to help develop your stroke.

There are several mat sizes to choose from, ranging from a 1.5ft x 9ft single hole mat, all the way up to a 3ft x 15ft 3-hole mat. I tested the 3ft x 9ft length and found it to be a fair size to fit in most rooms. The only critique I could make is that the mat could be a little wider, especially considering there are three holes to aim for. With the current width, this feels slightly like overkill.

On the whole, it's a fantastic mat and undoubtedly one of the best putting mats I've tested, albeit that it's on the pricier side of things in comparison to other options on this list - but you very much get what you pay for. The sleek, wooden engraved back-stop collects balls without them bouncing back and really adds to that premium look.

Best clever design

PuttOUT AirBreak Review

(Image credit: Future)


Length (ft): 3.3' x 8'
Stimpmeter: N/A
Number of Holes: 1
Alignment Aids: No

Reasons to buy

Doubles up as a chipping green
Quality build will last 'longer than 10 years'

Reasons to avoid

Does take up a fair bit of space

For a number of years, PuttOUT has been making some of the best putting mats that allow you to hit straight putts and work on technique and start line, which is a crucial element of putting practice. But they have also released a clever mat which helps players work on breaking putts as well. The company point out that roughly 90% of the putts you hit will be affected by slope, thus stressing the importance of practicing sloping putts at home.

The AirBreak feels pretty revolutionary in this space, featuring a light, flexible, and extremely strong EPP base, with 8 points of adjustment that allows you to quickly create an almost limitless amount of breaking putts across its 8ft putting area.

I thoroughly enjoyed testing the AirBreak out and found both the setup and usage really simple and intuitive thank to the easy-to-use eight airpumps that helps contour the setup . The flexibility of the base means that, unlike some other solutions, AirBreak doesn’t just pivot on a single plane, which allows you to create double-breakers

The automatic ball return is also a nice touch and it is very satisfying seeing the ball pop out of the hole and back to your feet after you hole that difficult sliding right to left putt. Overall this is a clever design which all levels of player will enjoy using and practicing on.

Best premium model

Zen Swing Stage Review

(Image credit: Zen Golf)


Length (ft): Green Stage 12 x 8 feet
Gradient: N/A - Gradient - Sidehill lies up to 9% gradient - Uphill + Downhill lies to a maximum 12% gradient
Number of Holes: Customizable
Alignment Aids: Not on mat but can be added via augmented reality

Reasons to buy

Robust, well-made and realistic
Controlled easily using a touch screen
‘Deep Strike’ zone allows for tees to be inserted

Reasons to avoid

Sparse locations limit access
Expensive to install

Straight off the bat, the Zen Green Stage is a seriously impressive bit of kit that works via hydraulics that are controlled by a simple touch screen panel paired via Bluetooth. Not only does it help the short game aspect, but the long game also, something which other models on this list can't do. Saying this is a premium product makes it feel like an injustice given the level of technology we are using.

However, it's the short game I am interested in, with this unique item able to be altered from a completely flat lie, to having the ball play up to 9 percent either above or below your feet and 12 percent uphill or downhill. This means that you are able to practice all manner of putts that you could be faced with out on the golf course.

So, how did it perform? Well, in testing, I loved the Green Stage, as it did everything and more. The only slight negative is that, with all of this tech, it comes in at a slightly hefty price tag! However, if you can afford it, there's truly nothing like it on the market, but this is more suited to a pro shop or golf simulator store purchasing this device rather than an individual putting it in their home - unless you already have a simulator room of course!

Best value

Me And My Golf Breaking Ball Putting Mat

(Image credit: Me And My Golf)


Length (ft): 7, 11 & 14
Stimpmeter: Approx 11
Number of Holes: One
Alignment Aids: Yes, for both stroke and distance

Reasons to buy

Great roll and quality balls
Brilliant packaging, will last a lifetime
Immediate feedback on what's happening with your putts
Unique product and works on a very necessary part of your game

Reasons to avoid

Comes at a price (but is a sound investment)

Piers Ward and Andy Proudman, from Me and My Golf, are popular PGA professionals famous for their online coaching and tips to help you play better. Their Breaking Ball Putting Mat is a useful and affordable way to practice those sliding putts from your own home.

Before explaining how it works, I will note what you get for your money and, firstly, is a putting mat that is available in three different sizes - 7.5ft (2.3m), 11ft (3.4m) and 14ft (4.3m). Three different golf balls are included, each with different weighting inside that allows them to break different amounts - one titled 'slight break, one 'medium break' and one 'heavy break'.

This may lead players to think these balls aren't pleasant to putt with given the different weighting but it's far from the case - the roll on them was still pure and like you'd find with a normal golf ball.

Best putting simulator

Exputt RG Putting Simulator

(Image credit: ExPutt)


Length (inches): Putting mat 44.5"x13"
Stimpmeter : Simulator can replicate most speeds
Number of Holes: 0
Alignment Aids: No

Reasons to buy

Brilliant ease of use
Excellent functionality and graphics
Immediate and detailed feedback

Reasons to avoid

All of the above comes at a price

There's a lot to love about the Exputt RG Putting Simulator, with the first thing being the ease of use and the extremely simple set-up process. After unpacking it from the box, all you do is roll out the mat, attach it to the HDMI port and then position the camera in the right place to ensure synchronization.

You have to create an account but, once you do, it opens up a world of options that include both Classic or Practice categories. Not only was I able to hit putts over various lengths on the green, but it also allows for uphill and sidehill breaks and even different green speeds!

This product is a perfect example of both how far technology is golf has come and the direction it is going - can you imagine proposing a putting simulator 10 to 15 years ago? Some players will feel a little uncomfortable on this at the beginning given you aren't putting into a hole, but you get used to it very quickly.

The only slight downside is the price tag, but I thought you do get an awful lot for your money as, not only are the graphics clear, but you get a lot of data and functionality! If you're like me and you love your data when it comes to your golf game, this product is a no-brainer.

Specifications table

Swipe to scroll horizontally
ModelLength (ft)StimpmeterNumber of holesAlignment Aids
Perfect Practice Perfect Putting Mat9.6'10-142Yes - train track lines for aiding stroke
PrimePutt Tour-Quality Indoor Putting Mat1.5' x 9', 3' x 9', 3' x 12' & 3' x 15'9-113Two dots 3ft out from each hole
PuttOUT AirBreak Putting Mat3.3' x 8'N/A1No
Zen Green StageGreen Stage 12' x 8' feetN/ACustomizableYes, but only with augmented reality
Breaking Ball Putting Mat7', 11' & 14'Approx. 111Yes, for both stroke and distance
Exputt RG Putting Simulator1' x 3.4'N/A0No

How we test

Our testing methodology for all golf equipment revolves around just that, testing. That means we use golf products to refute or back up manufacturers claims whilst also trying to see if the product is any good. This will take the form of using the product over a period of time, on and off the golf course where applicable.

When it comes to indoor putting greens, we will use them off the course to gauge, amongst other things, what they are actually like to use, how much space is needed, how easy they are to set up, the overall quality of them, and how well they store away.

We pride ourselves at Golf Monthly when it comes to our reviews because they are based off a formula fine tuned throughout over a decade of testing golf equipment. Our testing is by golfers, for golfers, with the sole aim of helping our loyal readership find the best products to suit their game and make the best informed buying decisions in a sport that is becoming increasingly expensive.

No brand gets preferential treatment from us, nor can a manufacturer 'buy' a positive review for one of their products - we simply call it how we see it. If we say a product is good, that's because we think it is!

How to choose an indoor putting green

Here are some factors you need to consider when looking at purchasing an indoor putting green. (Also if you want a new flatstick as well, check out our guide on the best putters too)


Be aware of the size of space you have at your disposal. There is little point buying a massive putting mat only for it not to fit into a space in your house. If you have limited space, there are specific putting mats made with you in mind so try and shop in that area. Before purchasing, it's always good to know the size of the mat just so you not what to expect when it arrives and you prepare to set it up.


Linking with the above point, how convenient do you want the indoor green to be, primarily in terms of how easy is it to store and fold away. Some of the models above are convenient and easily in a bag, whilst others have the hole attachment which takes up a bit more room.

What do you want to practice

If you’re looking to focus on a specific part of your putting, there will be a green for that. A long putting green will obviously help you with pace and distance control whilst models with holes on will help you gain more confidence just by seeing the ball go in the hole more often. Alternatively, if you just want to use the green for fun, rather than intense practice, then go for a model with holes and fun little accessories too.


Almost all putting mats are durable, but some more than others. If you just adore practicing your putting and would plan on using the mat daily, some of the cheaper options can wear down quicker than others, leading to inconsistent rolls and speeds. If you like the look of a product on this list, check out our full review to see if we have made a specific comment on its durability.


No buying guide would be complete without at least mentioning the price factor. Some of the larger models can be quite expensive, but there is good value for money to be had here as they last a long time.


What makes a good indoor putting green?

First things first, it must be durable. You don't want to keep rolling and unrolling the putting green to find out that it's starting to tear or change the way the ball rolls on the surface. It's also imperative that the ball stays level as it rolls, otherwise you won't be getting the full experience when it comes to putting.

How do you keep an indoor putting green clean?

Keeping your indoor green clean is just one of the ways to extend its shelf life. Usually, you will be able to use a brush or vacuum on the greens, but it's worth reading the manual before you do so.

Are indoor putting greens worth it?

Yes, definitely! Putting is arguably the most important part of the game and the easiest ways to save shots. If you are unable to get up to the putting green to practice, an indoor putting green is a great solution, especially as it's convenient and right on your door step.

For more buying advice on putters, check out our guides on the best putter grips, best blade putters and best mallet putters.

Sam De'Ath
Staff Writer

Sam has worked in the golf industry for 14 years, offering advice on equipment to all levels of golfers. Sam heads up any content around fairway woods, hybrids, wedges, putters and golf balls but also writes about other equipment from time to time.Sam graduated from Webber International University in 2017 with a BSc Marketing Management degree while playing collegiate golf. His experience of playing professionally on both the EuroPro Tour and Clutch Pro Tour, alongside his golf retail history, means Sam has extensive knowledge of golf equipment and what works for different types of golfer.

Sam’s current What’s In The Bag?

Driver: TaylorMade Qi35

Fairway Woods: TaylorMade Qi35 15°, Srixon ZXi 18°

Irons: TaylorMade CB (6-PW) P770 (4-5)

Wedges: Titleist Vokey SM10, 50°, 54°, 60°

Putter: Kevin Burns 9307

Ball: Titleist Pro V1x

With contributions from